Bed bugs are on the increase everywhere. Islington is no exception. Bed bugs do not discriminate over a clean or dirty environment and bugs are easily transferred. They can be brought in from anywhere in the world on clothing or in luggage.
Bed bugs are a very common and very annoying pest to have around in your home. There is a good chance that you have come across bed bugs at some point, either in your home, at a friend’s house or while on holiday. The truth is you will have been a lot closer to them at some point than you even knew.
You may not know that you have bed bugs straight away. If you have pets, like cats or dogs, if someone is bitten the poor old pet is usually the one to get the blame first. It is not until you check the beds and see evidence that you realise that you have them.
Islington is a many varied cultural place with visitors from all over the world coming to visit family. Due to the amount of visitors from other countries, there is a higher chance of finding bed bugs.
If you find bed bugs in your property it is essential that you deal with them promptly and professionally as they can lay their eggs and lay dormant for months and when they do start to breed, they breed at an alarmingly speedy rate and can be very costly. Not only the cost of pest control but the possibility of having to replace some furniture!